Jan 4, 2016


Introduction:             Our dear Bangladesh is a beautiful country. It is a land of forests and trees, hills and vales, rivers, marshes and canals, wide open meadows. It has got a moderate climate neither too hot nor too cold. So this land is a happy abode of different kinds of birds. Birds have increased she beauty of our country. We sleep at night and rides early in the morning hearing the sweet song of different birds.
Different Types:        There are different types of birds in our country. They are different in color, size and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh some live on warms and insects, some on fruits and grains, some on filth and garbage’s. Birds are divided into many classes. They are teasing birds, song birds, rapacious birds, game birds, migratory birds and tailor birds.
Teasing birds:            Crows and kites are teasing birds. The crow is a very common bird in Bangladesh. It is very clever. It steals away the food and other small things from our kitchen and from the hands of the little babies. It looks ugly. Yet it is useful. It feeds on dead animals and dirty things. It has a harsh voice. The kite also steals away chickens. Fish and pieces of flesh.
Song birds:     The parrot, the Mayan, the Chandana, the cockatoo and the martin are called talking birds. People tame them for their sweet voice and they can talk like human beings if they are trained.
The game birds:        There are many game birds in our country. They are famous for their tasty flesh. The partridge, the dove the pigeon, the snipe, the bitter, the heron, the teal, and the pan kauri are most well-known game birds.
The fish eating birds:            There are some fish eating birds that live beside the watery places. They eat small fish. The crane, the heron and the kingfisher are fish eating birds.
Birds of prey: There are some birds of prey in our country. They are the vulture and the swoop down upon their prey. The vulture eats upon dead animals.
The tailor birds:        There are some birds that build their nests with great skill. We wonder at their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babui are tailor birds.
Nocturnal Birds:        There are some birds that come out at night. They are called night birds. The owl and the bat are of this kind. These birds do not come out in broad daylight. We hear the owl prowl at night. I t is harmless. The bat feeds on fruits. It flies at night.
Migratory birds:        Many birds come from foreign land in our country during autumn and winter. They are also famous for their flesh. Thy increase the natural beauty of our country for the time being.
Some other birds:    There are many other common birds which we find here and there. We do not know the name of many birds. The wood pecker is a fine looking bird. It makes hole in the free. Pea cock is also a beautiful bird.
Domestic birds:        The pigeon, the hen, the cock and the duck are domestic birds. They provide us with flesh and eggs. Many families in our country make poultry farm and earn a lot of money.
Conclusion:    Birds are our natural wealth. They are helpful and use full to us in many always. They do many good to us. Birds eat many dirty things and keep the environment clear. Therefore, we should no kill birds at random and we should take proper care of them.

Female Education (Composition)

Education is the birthright of everybody. It makes a harmonious development of one’s mental faculties. S, facilities for education should be held open to everybody. In this respect, no discrimination should be held open to everybody. In this respect, no discrimination should be made between a man and woman. In fact, education must be universal.
Some people oppose female education. They opine that women are intellectually inferior to men. So they are mainly meant inhabitants only of the hearth and home. They should deal with the kitchen. They should perform the household duties bring up the children duties are totally confined to the inner apartment.
 The arguments stated above do not hold water. It is true that they have some special tasks to perform inside the household. But these special tasks cannot be properly done by an uneducated mistress a she is not in apposition to do her household duties in sound manner. We can expect the women to acquit themselves well even in their special tasks only when they are given proper education.
Women are found equal to men in all respects except in physical strength. The question of their intellectual inferiority lays bare negative answer. So there should not be any distinction between men and women in respect of education. Many women are now successfully completion with men in many active branches of life. Thus there cannot be any grounds to deprive women of the benefits of education. Women also have their social responsibilities. Half of the people of our country are women. No development can be brought about in our society without participation of the half of its members. And development work cannot be carried out successfully with uneducated women. Thus our women should be educated at the earliest. It may be advisable to modify the old system of education for our girls. Subjects like home Economics. Domestic Science, Cooking, Sewing and Nursing etc. should be included in the course of study.
It is a good sing that there is a general awakening among the women. The United Nations Charter provides for removal of discrimination between men and women. The women of our country are also coming out of their domestic walls and working side by side with men in every walk of life. Our government is making all out efforts to pave the way for female education in our country. We should remember that education is one of the fundamental rights of everybody male or female.